- Animal heroes are pretty fun to make! How about we use my favourite animal as an example: Gorillas!
- By the way, a big rule in character making is: Make your character simple, cos' you're gonna have to draw him/her/it alot.
- Anyway, let's make the Gorilla a hero costume. You don't have to be a fashion designer to design hero costumes. If you are having a hard time making a costume, just do the old skool method: Give it a cape! Capes are easy to draw. For more realistic properties, put a knot at the animal's neck, as if the gorilla tied it himself!
So you've thought of an animal hero, huh? Now draw him/her/it out on your doodle pad. After that, write what powers it has at the side of your hero. Here's a few normal powers:
- Kung-fu grip
- Abs of Steel
- Fists 'o' fiery
- Super Vision
- Flight
- Ultra mega super fantastic fashionable cape!
Congrats! You've officially made a hero, right?
You haven't even named him!!! Since you've got an animal hero, follow these tips in animal-hero-naming if you've problems naming it:
- Just add the species name after these titles:
- Example: Super Gorilla
- Captain Cheetah
- Ultra Lion
- If you want to end the name with "man" or "boy" or "woman" or "girl" (example: Kangaroo Man), you've got to make sure your "animal" is either a mutated human+animal or a human wearing an animal suit, just like batman.
NOW you've made a hero. Great work! You get a D- for it, because you took too long to do it! As punishment, I will give you the worst, cruellest, painfullest toture ever!!!!!!!! Bwahahaha!
Cut your toenails and tune in for our next class.
I can't even bear to think of such inhumane torture!
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