Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lesson 2: Designing Super Heroes

Okay, so you've got what we need for the comic book? Good! Cos' we're not gonna do that in this lesson! Stop throwing orange peels at the computer screen, okay?! I just forgot to tell you we won't need it for this lesson!!! Anyway, take out a doodle sketch pad (or any paper) and a pencil and eraser. We're gonna make some Super Heroes!! So first, daydream. Clear your mind... think only of stuff.... got an idea for a character? No? No sweat! Just follow these tips for thinking up main characters:

  1. Animal heroes are pretty fun to make! How about we use my favourite animal as an example: Gorillas!

  2. By the way, a big rule in character making is: Make your character simple, cos' you're gonna have to draw him/her/it alot.

  3. Anyway, let's make the Gorilla a hero costume. You don't have to be a fashion designer to design hero costumes. If you are having a hard time making a costume, just do the old skool method: Give it a cape! Capes are easy to draw. For more realistic properties, put a knot at the animal's neck, as if the gorilla tied it himself!

So you've thought of an animal hero, huh? Now draw him/her/it out on your doodle pad. After that, write what powers it has at the side of your hero. Here's a few normal powers:

  • Kung-fu grip

  • Abs of Steel

  • Fists 'o' fiery

  • Super Vision

  • Flight

  • Ultra mega super fantastic fashionable cape!

Congrats! You've officially made a hero, right?


You haven't even named him!!! Since you've got an animal hero, follow these tips in animal-hero-naming if you've problems naming it:

  • Just add the species name after these titles:

  • Example: Super Gorilla

  • Captain Cheetah

  • Ultra Lion

  • If you want to end the name with "man" or "boy" or "woman" or "girl" (example: Kangaroo Man), you've got to make sure your "animal" is either a mutated human+animal or a human wearing an animal suit, just like batman.

NOW you've made a hero. Great work! You get a D- for it, because you took too long to do it! As punishment, I will give you the worst, cruellest, painfullest toture ever!!!!!!!! Bwahahaha!

Cut your toenails and tune in for our next class.

I can't even bear to think of such inhumane torture!

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